Saturday, May 3, 2014

Bathroom Etiquette - Volume 2

After a long night, I returned to work early in the morning. I had a quick breakfast and had to go to the restroom afterwards. As I sat there with my moment of silence. My moment of tranquility before the day begins. Yes,I did the courtesy flush. Coming from above, I hear "Good morning Dog."  It startled me from my drowsiness. I instantly replied, "God?" and instantly cleared my bowels some more. I wondered am I dead? What did I do now? I hear a slight chuckle from above. I slowly raised my head and looked toward the ceiling. Low and Behold, I see some eyes staring down at me. Its the company's CEO looking down on me as he is pissing in the next stall. What the hell!
He was a former basketball player and stands between 6'-9" and 7'-2". He can look over bathroom stalls while standing flat footed on the floor. He literally scared the shit out of me. I thought I was alone and with my thoughts. Damn him. So, here is another rule to bathroom etiquette.

  1. If you are tall enough to look over into the next bathroom stall to you. DO NOT LOOK! The person in the next stall does not want or need an audience. If they want company or an audience, they may ask you. So keep your eyes on your business.
  2. Again, DO NOT LOOK over the partition.

see ya

dog gone


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