Sunday, February 9, 2014

Me & My Reflection

   A few weeks ago I was in our department's morning meeting. It was a dark winter morning. I was sitting with my back to the inside office window and Jason was sitting directly across from me with his back to the outside window. I went to scratch my ear and I notice that Jason was align directly with me. When I scratched my ear, my reflection in the window behind Jason made it appear that I was scratching Jason's ear. I would place my hands on my ears and they would appear in the window to be on Jason's ear. My hands' reflection was cupping Jason's face. I continue to play with the reflection. I would tug on my left ear and lean my head to the left. It appeared I was tugging Jason's ear and he would tilt his head in the same direction like a mirror image. It was like I was causing his head to lean because of the reflection. I would slowly take my right hand to the level of my right ear and move it across my face to my left ear. The reflection made it appear that my elbow was sticking out Jason's left ear and my finger sticking out his right. It was like I put my arm through his head. There was a long moment of silence while our supervisor was looking at something on her laptop. Finally, Jason looked at me with a puzzled look. He thought I was trying to draw his attention to Steve who was sitting next to me. I spoke out loud, "No, we are perfectly align and because of the reflection when I scratch my ear. It appears I'm scratching yours." My supervisor and everyone busted out laughing and shaking their heads. She says, "Dog you are like our morning entertainment. I never know what is going to come out of your brain and your mouth."

see ya,

dog gone


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