Wednesday, August 14, 2013


This the definition of whisper from the dictionary

whis·per  (hw s p r, w s -) n. 1. Soft speech produced without full voice. 2. Something uttered very softly. 3. A secretly or surreptitiously expressed belief, rumor, or hint: whispers of scandal. 4. A low rustling sound: the whisper of wind in the pines. v. whis·pered, whis·per·ing, whis·pers v.intr. 1. To speak softly. 2. To speak quietly and privately, as by way of gossip, slander, or intrigue. 3. To make a soft rustling sound. 1. To utter very softly. 2. To say or tell privately or secretly

This is where I developed my definition of whisper.
I developed my definition of whisper from the bible. It is from I Kings 19 verses 11-12

11 The LORD said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD, for the LORD is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. 12 After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.

A powerful wind shattering rocks pass by Elijah,but God wasn't there. Next, the earthquake and he still wasn't there. Finally, the fire and no God. Here was God showing his power and might to his child. But it was a whisper calling his child.

It was here I realized that God with all his power and strength. He is gentle. When trouble/problems arise and you have no control. Fear, angry, or sadness is over whelming you. When the world is crashing down on you and it appears you are about to cash your chips in.It looks like the road has come to an end for you and  it appears your losing everything. You got to listen for the whisper. That is the hardest part waiting for the whisper.

 A whisper is soft, gentle, soothing and peaceful. Like a gentle kiss on a sleeping baby's cheek or your lovers cheek as they dream. It caresses your skin or your soul like a gentle wind. Its cool water on a hot summer day. Its the gentle,sweet smell of a perfume or cologne that your love is wearing. It brings peace to your soul.

I have different categories or levels for whispers:

1st) Whisper: It is like a road sign or directional sign that guides you in the direction that you need to go.You could be angry or sad about something. This whisper would let you know things will be OK or how to solve the problem.

2nd) A Whisper that is an Idea. This could be like over coming writer's block or a method to improve something, This is the inspiration. Many artist have used this to inspire their song writing, poetry, or painting.

3rd) The whisper that is like amber from a fire that is smoldering and waiting to be stoked. It stays with you for awhile to lift you to new heights. Or to provide prolong comfort. This one will become a flame at the proper time.

4th) Finally, the Muse whisper. This whisper is with you for a very long time. Maybe if you are lucky this one will be with you for a lifetime. This muse will appear, but you have to be alert and attentive. Even though this whisper is your muse, you must cherish it. As it inspires you, it has needs that you must be aware of. It must be fed and nourished or it may leave. You both will be each others strength. When you have found this whisper, you have found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. You have been blessed.

In closing, have you heard the whisper? Have you been listening? Have you been blessed by a whisper? My friend you take care and listen for the whisper. It is waiting to be heard by you.

Since Good bye sounds permanent, I will say, "See you my friend" as we travel this road called life.


1 comment:

  1. Wonderfully put! This made my day! Thank you for sharing.
