Sunday, August 18, 2013

Life Changes, but Love & Hope are one

When I started this blog, my intent was to freestyle. Like an autumn leaf that has fallen into a stream. I float through gentle waters full of calmness. Then the currents pick up and I tumble over rocks with the water swiftly moving me along. The waters are calm again. As I round the bend, I'm caught in a whirlpool. I swirl around for what seems like an eternity not knowing which way I will go. This is how Life is. I have moments of peace and calm. Then I'm rushed through the day, week, month, or year. Next, everything is calm again. But, then I turn a corner in my Life. Everything is swirling around me. Did I make the right choice? Where would it lead? The one thing that is true. That Love & Hope are one.

When Love is planted, Hope will bloom.
When Hope is given, Love will grow.
They both must be given.
No man can take them unless they are given.
Love and Hope are in every human.
Each of us must decide when and how we share them.
They can only be quenched if we quench them ourselves.
Love and Hope are the one thing we can control.
Life may change around us,but with Love and Hope.
We may change Life.
So, go forth and change Life with Love and Hope.
For each of us possess Love and Hope.

In closing, we travel through Life like a leaf in a stream. The waters of Life can be calm and peaceful for moments. The waters can tumble you rapidly through the currents with no sense of control. Then there is calmness once again. As you round the bend of Life, you are caught in whirlpools. You are spinning around and around. You wonder if you have made the right choice. When and where will you come out of this whirlpool. Remember Love and Hope are one. You possess and control Love and Hope. You can share them or quench them. Love and Hope will change Life.

See ya,

Dog gone,


The song below is about changes. It may relate a little to the story. I just like the song so I added.

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