Saturday, August 24, 2013

Puppy Prophecies

Some people believe that the future cannot be foretold. I'm here to tell you it can. Ever since that little pup arrived in my life.It has foretold my future. Yes, the cute pup in the upper left corner of this blog. As you are aware of all pups most be housebroken. The most necessary training for a dog before they become an indoor friend. It was during this training period that I learned about puppy prophecies. Oh Boy!, did I learn.This educational experience begin for me early one morning. I learned that this pup can tell the future. How could something so small hold so much knowledge is beyond my understanding. She is able to forecast how my days will be. She had been doing great in her training. I was proud of this young pup. Then she began training me. As I stumbled out of bed with my eyes barely opening, three paces from the bed the revelation begins. I felt this strange warm, moist, and squishy sensation between my toes. Agghhhh! The pup left me a surprise. No problem this was her first accident. Or was it a accident? I casually clean the little present up and proceed getting ready for work. I left for work with the radio on in the car and jamming to the music. You know getting pumped up for the day. I walk to the door of the office and the prophecy began to unfold. I reached for my wallet with my company id card in it to get into the building. My wallet was not in my pocket. I went and searched the car. No luck. I must have left it at home. So, instead of traveling 20 miles one way to get it. I decided to wait for someone to let me in. Finally, I got in the building and went to my desk. The phone was ringing and my email box was full of emails. I answered the phone. It was a customer with a problem. I quickly solved his problem. The first email I opened another customer with a problem.Well, as you can see how this day is going to unfold. Yes, that little pile of crap I stepped into foretold my day. I stepped right in and the prophecy begin. If I had known, I would have stayed in bed. It was a problem filled day. They were little problems and I survived. From this day forward anytime a little present was left for me to step in, I know now how the day is going to be. Thankfully, she is a little dog. This means little problems. Right? I have three dogs in this household. They are small, medium, and large dogs. The brains of this outfit is the small one. This sneaky little pup taught the large dog about the gifts of prophecies. Who knew that this gift can be passed on and taught? I know now. Well, this lesson unfolded or should I say exploded on me Wednesday morning. I stumbled to the bathroom and then down the hall. Once, in the great room I smelled something. I slowly open my eyes, "Holy Smoke!". My eyes popped out of my head. What happened here?. How can a 50 pound dog hold a 100 pounds of stuff? The large dog, Tear was sick she had thrown up everything she has eaten for a month. As I proceed to round up cleaning supplies, there on the kitchen floor. Noooo! Noooo! There it was the Alps in my kitchen on the floor. Evidently, she had a blow-out from the backside. How on God's green earth can a dog her size hold 5 times her size? There should not have been anything left of this dog. She let it all out on my floors. Thank goodness that I don't have carpets. I gagged, coughed, and cleaned this disaster up. The whole time that I was cleaning this up. I was thinking, I'm so glad that Tear does not have the gift of prophecy. That statement there shows you how little I know. Once at work, the prophecy began to unfold rapidly. So, for the next three days it was one disaster after another. Three days of relentless problems and no time to catch my breath. Somehow, I survived three days of continuous disasters.

In closing, what have I learned. I learned that prophecy is still around. That prophecy can be taught and learned under the right conditions. Also, I learned that the size of the pile determines the size of the disasters waiting for you. I learned that if I awaken to these presents. I will slowly step backwards and crawl back into bed. My day will begin and end on that note. Maybe, the prophecy is for those who find it. I might try that and see if I can dodge the bullet. You know share the love with others. Why should I be the only one to enjoy this experience. Frank Zappa once sang about don't eat the yellow snow. Well I'm telling you to beware of little presents your pups leave you on the floor. That may be a sign of your day to come.

Here is a little diddy to get you through the tough times. Its an  old one.

See you,

Dog gone

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Life Changes, but Love & Hope are one

When I started this blog, my intent was to freestyle. Like an autumn leaf that has fallen into a stream. I float through gentle waters full of calmness. Then the currents pick up and I tumble over rocks with the water swiftly moving me along. The waters are calm again. As I round the bend, I'm caught in a whirlpool. I swirl around for what seems like an eternity not knowing which way I will go. This is how Life is. I have moments of peace and calm. Then I'm rushed through the day, week, month, or year. Next, everything is calm again. But, then I turn a corner in my Life. Everything is swirling around me. Did I make the right choice? Where would it lead? The one thing that is true. That Love & Hope are one.

When Love is planted, Hope will bloom.
When Hope is given, Love will grow.
They both must be given.
No man can take them unless they are given.
Love and Hope are in every human.
Each of us must decide when and how we share them.
They can only be quenched if we quench them ourselves.
Love and Hope are the one thing we can control.
Life may change around us,but with Love and Hope.
We may change Life.
So, go forth and change Life with Love and Hope.
For each of us possess Love and Hope.

In closing, we travel through Life like a leaf in a stream. The waters of Life can be calm and peaceful for moments. The waters can tumble you rapidly through the currents with no sense of control. Then there is calmness once again. As you round the bend of Life, you are caught in whirlpools. You are spinning around and around. You wonder if you have made the right choice. When and where will you come out of this whirlpool. Remember Love and Hope are one. You possess and control Love and Hope. You can share them or quench them. Love and Hope will change Life.

See ya,

Dog gone,


The song below is about changes. It may relate a little to the story. I just like the song so I added.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


This the definition of whisper from the dictionary

whis·per  (hw s p r, w s -) n. 1. Soft speech produced without full voice. 2. Something uttered very softly. 3. A secretly or surreptitiously expressed belief, rumor, or hint: whispers of scandal. 4. A low rustling sound: the whisper of wind in the pines. v. whis·pered, whis·per·ing, whis·pers v.intr. 1. To speak softly. 2. To speak quietly and privately, as by way of gossip, slander, or intrigue. 3. To make a soft rustling sound. 1. To utter very softly. 2. To say or tell privately or secretly

This is where I developed my definition of whisper.
I developed my definition of whisper from the bible. It is from I Kings 19 verses 11-12

11 The LORD said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD, for the LORD is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. 12 After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.

A powerful wind shattering rocks pass by Elijah,but God wasn't there. Next, the earthquake and he still wasn't there. Finally, the fire and no God. Here was God showing his power and might to his child. But it was a whisper calling his child.

It was here I realized that God with all his power and strength. He is gentle. When trouble/problems arise and you have no control. Fear, angry, or sadness is over whelming you. When the world is crashing down on you and it appears you are about to cash your chips in.It looks like the road has come to an end for you and  it appears your losing everything. You got to listen for the whisper. That is the hardest part waiting for the whisper.

 A whisper is soft, gentle, soothing and peaceful. Like a gentle kiss on a sleeping baby's cheek or your lovers cheek as they dream. It caresses your skin or your soul like a gentle wind. Its cool water on a hot summer day. Its the gentle,sweet smell of a perfume or cologne that your love is wearing. It brings peace to your soul.

I have different categories or levels for whispers:

1st) Whisper: It is like a road sign or directional sign that guides you in the direction that you need to go.You could be angry or sad about something. This whisper would let you know things will be OK or how to solve the problem.

2nd) A Whisper that is an Idea. This could be like over coming writer's block or a method to improve something, This is the inspiration. Many artist have used this to inspire their song writing, poetry, or painting.

3rd) The whisper that is like amber from a fire that is smoldering and waiting to be stoked. It stays with you for awhile to lift you to new heights. Or to provide prolong comfort. This one will become a flame at the proper time.

4th) Finally, the Muse whisper. This whisper is with you for a very long time. Maybe if you are lucky this one will be with you for a lifetime. This muse will appear, but you have to be alert and attentive. Even though this whisper is your muse, you must cherish it. As it inspires you, it has needs that you must be aware of. It must be fed and nourished or it may leave. You both will be each others strength. When you have found this whisper, you have found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. You have been blessed.

In closing, have you heard the whisper? Have you been listening? Have you been blessed by a whisper? My friend you take care and listen for the whisper. It is waiting to be heard by you.

Since Good bye sounds permanent, I will say, "See you my friend" as we travel this road called life.


Sunday, August 11, 2013


Hello World,
Welcome to Dogman707's doghouse. I started this blog cause my neighbors complained about my barking. Well, I found a place that I can bark and not worry about a shoe being thrown at me. I found this nice little section of the Internet. I walked around and counted my paces.Once my little section was measured. I did what any dog worth his bark does. I marked off my little area as all dog's do and claim this little section of the Internet. Feel free to come in and browse. No Shoes Allow. I promise I will not leave any presents for you to step in. (Eyes dart to the left and right. A sly little grin comes on my face.) Well maybe. Hey I'm a dog,that is what we do. One purpose of this blog is to share my thoughts or ideas  that run through my head.. If anyone is interested. Finally, there are some young pups out there that need motivation. They are an artistic bunch. Nothing gets young pups going more than an old dog that makes it look it easy or just showing them that an old fart can do it. Or just plain doing something a young one should be doing better.Now, for a little information about me.

Where/how did the name Dogman707 come about? It is name I have used in my early gaming days. You know around the time of windows 3.1. Hey! That is not that long ago. It was just yesterday. OK, I'll give you that. It was a few years ago. What! You want me to say the day of the Dinosaurs! Alright, they are a day older than me. Enough about age. It is from the movie "The Last of Dogmen". They were Cheyenne warriors that traveled with wild dogs behind the tribe. They were the protectors. The watchmen for the tribe to be sure no one is following. The 707 comes from a Steve Miller song "Jetliner". The line "As I get on the 707". The movie is about staying with the tribe and the song is about leaving chasing your dreams. Its play on words/decisions. Things that we  as people must decide which road to take. The comforts of home and then fear of the unknown. Some of my old gaming buddies believe that there is another meaning. I'm not quite sure exactly what they thought. Since, I faded away from the gaming world. I miss their forums where we could just shoot the breeze about different subjects. Subjects such as music, life, religion,sports, movies,books, and game stuff.

I will use songs, stories, pictures, or comments that I hear as a basis for my blog. You can feel free to leave comments or thoughts. Who knows maybe I can use it for inspiration. I'm just free styling. Most likely, I will not stay on one subject. I just want a place people can come for visit. So, feel free to roam around, sit a spell, and leave a comment.

Hold on young pups! Don't you leave yet. The steps are creaking and popping as I shuffle down to the basement. You hear a bunch of locks unlocking. The door creeps opening with a slight moan. I get a big smile on my face. The Vault is open. Now, the sweet stuff before the blog begins. After I flipped the switch, lights are humming and begin glowing to life. Cough! Cough! Whew the dust is stirred up. The room has not been opened in years. The war room. Yoo! Hoo! Oh man! Sweet the boxes filled with vinyl and 8 track tapes. Yes! "Here she is the beast". The Kenwood stereo with turntable and 8 track tape player. Who needs Dolby 7.1 when you have quadraphonic sound coming from (4) 52" tall speaker boxes filled with (3) 15" speakers. The tweeters and bass are strategically placed in the room. The strobe lights and black lights are working. The posters are hanging on the walls. Low an behold the survival guide of every American boy during my teenage years. Mad magazines and Mad paper back books. I place an 8 track tape of Edgar Winter's with "Frankenstein" cued up. I fall back in the recliner and raise the volume.  I lean back, place my hands behind my head and smile ever so gently. The music fills the room. My body and spirit are lifted with the sweet sound of music. How sweet it is! Let the games begin!
